Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Doing It All!

Good day folks! Or should I say good night. Whatever...

I have a confession.

I never thought I would be admitting this, especially in so public a forum, but, I'm here for accountability and that is exactly what the hell I'm getting.

Daily and hourly, accountability is burning my grease!

That weird little sentence will make more sense after reading the next section.

Here goes.

I'm an almost forty-year-old, educated, Black, lesbian, mom. (Gulp) and I have to confess that I can't do it... I can't do it... I can't do it... I simply CAN'T DO IT ALL!

More than that...I don't want to. I don't give two shakes of a rats ass if everything gets done and you know what? I'm really fine wit' it!


I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry to my ancestors, to the strong and powerful women of color and non-color who are able to do it all, I salute you and say, "go girl, you betta work, but not me!"

Not me. I can't and don't want to raise, catch, and slaughter the pig, then cure it and fry it up in the pan! I don't want to craft the pan or even buy it. I don't even want to buy the bacon, let alone open the package and fry it up in a friggin' pan. And I couldn't care less if someone forgot I was a woman!

It would be wonderful to have my womanhood forgotten for a while because then I might not be expected me to do so doggone much!

That's where I'm at today ya'll. I'm on a journey and sometimes the journey is to STOP and LAY THE HELL DOWN!

Maybe you need to do the same.

Have a great nap!

Much Love,


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