When I recently consciously started my daily spiritual practice, I thought it would change my life completely, deeply, and immediately just because I started doing this thing that spiritualist, gurus, yogis, pastors, ministers, and even regular folk spoke so highly of. Everyone from Oprah to the postman talk about a daily practice. Everyone, everywhere is talking about meditation, visualization and quiet time. As a member of a Religious Science Center I know first hand that there is not a Sunday that goes by where the importance and virtue of a daily spiritual practice isn't encourage and revered. When I start tracing how long I'd been exposed to spiritual practices, meditation and the like, I go back to my Conservatory actor training and realize it was being pushed there. I go back even further to Bethany Baptist Church where I was brought up and baptized as a child and there too, Reverend Scott spoke of getting quiet every day with God. Even before then, I remember my Grandmother playing soothing music and rocking me for the longest time and 'clearing my head'. Now that I've realized that this practice has been with me forever, or if not forever, then a way long time, I wonder why I have stayed away so long? I wonder why I have been resistant?
Change has been occurring rapid fire in my life, however, I know that the bulk of it began before this new and most recent set of spiritual practices. About three years ago I remember setting up a sacred space, a small alter, and began to give love to my ancestors. I called to them for guidance, support, love, whatever. I had been interested in the Yoruba tradition but it freaked my then wife out so I didn't pursue it. Anyways, I was searching for a spiritual home, a place to learn and know myself and God on a deeper level. It was also the time when I began praying and knowing that my son was coming, before the test was positive. I would light a candle, burn sage, and took to meditating two, three, five minutes several times a week. At times I fell completely off the wagon, but then I would get back on again and find a depth of stillness I had not known before. It was shortly before my son was born that I accepted a dear friend's invitation to experience the Center of Spiritual Living that had changed her life. My friend had been inviting me for over a year and I finally got the wife to agree and off we went. While my spouse was somewhat wary, I felt that I was finally going home.
I began taking classes and started to really get involved. I was even able to convince my spouse to do a retreat and a class. Though she never really drank the Kool-Aid, she gave it a shot to appease me. I became more and more involved with the Center. She became less. Ultimately, I began to understand how I am accountable for the outcome and the state of my own life. I believe this to be one of the greatest understandings of life.
I initially sought guidance at the Center for my troubled marriage, I visualized being in love and falling in love anew or for the first time with my wife. Then I went deeper and didn't attach anyone or any outcome to the demonstration of love and connection and peace that I knew I was to experience. Life began to rapidly change at that point. I was meditating and praying more often, yet not with daily consistency. I stopped smoking and opted instead to run. I lost forty pounds. In some ways I knew I was running from the toxic household I had created. I started running to escape to the better life that I was realizing awaited me. I liked being able to breath well enough to run. I love running. I love falling in love with me. That is what started to happen from getting still. No overnight success. I just started to fall in love with myself. I began learning to first forgive me. I am learning now to protect and take care of me on a very basic level. Learning that I am not bad or mentally deficient because others say or do mean things to me. I am learning, finally, that I am the best caretaker of my own soul and that trying to sub-contract out that job leads to heartache and pain.
My life hasn't changed completely, deeply, and immediately because I started a spiritual practice. My life has changed because I changed it. My life is changing because I desire it to. My life is changing because the God that is all there is within knows it's time. My commitment to my daily spiritual practice is helping me get still and quiet enough to hear God in everything. Hearing God everyday, in every place, in all ways always, makes my perspective on life so different. It makes life so good all the time, even when it is full of obstacles and challenges. I am finding the glory in every moment. I never fucking thought I would be one to say that!
Yesterday was a good example of a horror moment that was ultimately still filled with the grace an goodness of Spirit. I had to attend court regarding aspects of my very ugly divorce. My mother and sister were there, in support of my spouse. They are living with her, still in the home she and I built. It is a very uncomfortable situation. My mother and sister didn't look at nor speak to me. It was heartbreaking. My soon to be ex-spouse had only disdain for me. I was silent. I clung to my attorney and my dear heart - a friend who is that and much more - who took care of me and reflected God, Love and Spirit back to me with each smile, word, and gesture. My dear heart, stood by me when I was alone, and wiped my snotty nose when I couldn't stop crying. While the seeming hatred and betrayal of my closest family members threatened to tear me apart, God, present in all ways and all moments was the brightest most potent good in the room. God protected, loved, smiled on me and through me. Provided me a loving and lovely shoulder to lean and depend on. The horror moment passed and I am more compassionate towards my family than ever, for they know not what they do. I am also clear that knowing God means I am never alone. With God there are no mistakes. There are only occurrences set forth to lead us to our highest best possible outcome, to our evolution and to our enlightenment.