Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Back of every mushy love song, behind every magical movie moment about It, there stands “perfect love”. Before Titanic and after Romeo & Juliet, beyond the loss of will and the jading of Will and Jada, there It is. This thing, this It that makes the struggles, the pain, the heartache, the hurt, the agony, the anger, the tears, the loss, the profound sadness… worth it. Why else would we simple beings dare to try, try, and try again? Because we all know there exists an It and we know that It lives deep deep deep within the fiber of who we are and whomever we hope to be; that we are love, we are one, we are best in unity. And in our short span of time breathing we hope to share breath with another who knows It, our oneness in a way that is bigger than the two bodies. It can make two bodies create a cacophony of harmony. It plugs them in to the One, together, stronger, than any other can ever do. When those two meet they know It instantly, regardless of how they choose to stage the play of their lives from that point on. They know. Even if they deny it, sometimes, It makes you crazy, sometimes It seems too messy, but It knows. Ask the rare and few who have found It. Usually they aren’t available for some reason and time passes and life happens and then there they are, sometimes decades later, finally ready for the It they saw so long ago. It is great comfort to see that It exists even if it takes a lifetime to do something about It. Even if one never does something about It, just knowing It exists is enough to propel us through life and into death with a calmness and a peace that comes from the confirmation of not being alone, of being One, of being God.


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