Friday, July 12, 2013


I'm happy.

Audible books rock!

This will all come together just keep reading.

While I am not pleased that never called me to record one of these modern audio works of wonder...(I didn't want to work for them anyway, SIKE!) I still completely love love love the service.

I have lived without cable for over 10 months and have read more books, wait, excuse me, listened to more books than I had in the past 10 years!

The last Audible book I heard was by Shawn Achor titled, 'The Happiness Advantage,' not to be confused with Gretchen Rubin's 'The Happiness Project' - which I also Audible'd. Gretchen's book was a good self-test and personal experimentation book-umentary and there were some witty stories, but it didn't WOW me like Shawn's book.

I guess you can tell from the titles I mentioned that happiness is of major importance to me on this spiritual journey as I am continuing to be a mom, on the road to becoming a minister and definitely dedicated to having a more happy life.

Let's call Shawn's book THA for short. His book is based on facts, statics and numbers. It was all scientific. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get into it because of the scientific hooey. But I got into it! Boy oh boy, did I get into it so much so that I kinda got a crush on science. I mean I am generally an all Theater/English person, but science like this is HOTT! This type of science confirms the knowing of my soul and consciousness and makes me Xcited! It is what I have known in my soul since forever.

Drum Roll...

Happiness is the answer, positive thinking changes lives for the better and for anyone and everyone. People and relationships and the care and nurturing we give ourselves and others is the key to HAPPINESS. It is now a scientific fact!

Disclaimer, there are many many many others who have offered this information. I am not in anyway implying that I have found something new to the world or even that I have improved upon something already existing in the world. I am simply getting happy about happy and sharing it with you Non-vegan style! (Don't ask, I don't have to always make sense!)


Money, careers, stuff, religion, politics, etc... ad-nauseum doesn't make people happy. Shawn details in THA how the happiest people share one commonality. The relationships they create, maintain, and foster! He asserts that the research shows that when times are challenging the way to tighten your time belt is definitely NOT by shutting down or shutting off from your support circle and/or community. That is exactly the time to engage deeper and more hardcore! That is the time to go H.A.A.M. (Hard As A Mutha*uka) into your relationships.

He also states that when a marriage or relationship gets hard and there's just not enough time to get everything done, stress and pressure are at the max, save and cut time everywhere else but not with the person with whom you are in relationship. The good stuff we get from the connectedness with a significant other is crucial for producing positive body effects.

This is where I will cease with the details and the recap. See, I don't remember what chemical gets released or from where and exacts like that, and I am obviously too lazy and ultimately too "not-sciency" to find out. However, some good shit is produced in our bodies when we connect and get closer to our mates, friends, and families during difficulties.

Just do it!

These scientific findings are making me so happy I could just kiss you! Seriously. I mean, it is something that my heart and soul always knew and had trouble convincing many in my circle to buy into. I feel somewhat vindicated... is it ministerial to feel vindicated? I don't know but, I am surely happy today, so does it matter?

Happiness is for everyone. Happiness is for everyone. Happiness is for everyone. If you don't believe me keep repeating it until you do. If that doesn't work, go read or listen to Shawn's book. Finally, if that doesn't work, then do some experiments with your self. Practice feigning happiness all day every day for a week and keep a daily record of how you are received and what you receive. It is astonishing the positive effects even a fake smile can have. Fake it till you make it. I know you will make it!

Final sidebar. I'm not a Polyanna. Anyone who knows me knows this. I am merely stating some things that are making life beautiful again after a life-altering blow. I have decided to Fall...Up!




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