Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shift Happens

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.

Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.

Hatred darkens life; love illumines it

- Martine Luther King Jr.



Good Day!

Recently I've been flooding my experience of life with messages affirming my wholeness, healthiness, perfection and completeness. I have been literally flooding all of my conscious moments with audible books and recordings, classes and conversations that elevate my consciousness understanding that I am co-creating my Life with the Creator. I am working with the Divine. I am enhancing my experience on this planet. I listen to metaphysical radio and podcasts and I have Post-It affirmations everywhere. I am keeping a daily gratitude journal, practicing daily meditation and basically allowing the great good of life to surround me. It is all-consuming.

I mention my practices to say that the experiment is working. I have heard for most of my life, 'You are what you eat, spiritually, mentally, and physically.' I am now digesting that inspirational food.

For years I have been eating way too many negativity biscuits. I had been overindulged in buttering and battering my spirit. I was malnourishing my body and mistreating it by lack of exercise, and an abundance of various other tasty "poisons."

Then I began to listen to the whispers that I have heard all of my life and they've become a little bit louder. They've said, "Change your thoughts, change your life." When I was a child my mother would remind me constantly that no one has the power to make you angry, mad, or sad. She would offer that, 'Erica DeLaine, the only person you can change is yourelf.' She was right. It may have been the single most beneficial gift she has ever given me, outside of life. For in the midst of the most challenging times, it is my solace. That and the understanding that there is no separation between myself and God, you and all of us.

Shift happens and I have to Shift!

I am Shifting, at first slowly and hesistantly. Now, I have to own the Shift. I understand that I have a choice. No matter what circumstances present I have a choice. No matter what the day brings. No matter how much or little I appear to have. No matter my size, sex, color, or orientation. I have the glory of choice. I have been through, the been through, and still I have a choice as to how I will continue to be in the world. Amdist all the pain, I have choice. WOW! I can choose to love myself, be kind to myself and others, I can choose to laugh or cry. I can with God choose the experience I want to have. And so it is!

This is great news! It means that even when people do things I may not desire, at any level, I can choose my response and my perspective on their words, decisions, and or actions. Then I can realize that the behavior of others is not personal. Even when it affects me personally. I realize now that we are all the human children of human children striving to survive, live, and expand as best as we possibly can and here comes almost automatically more forgiveness.

I am committed to a new and prosperous, abundant life. I am committed to allowing God into every nook and crany and every space. I am committed to lovingly with grace and ease allow myself to be my highest, best possible outcome. I am committed to service. Most of all, I am committed to Love.

Love is the question and Love is the answer.

Love, Shift happens.

Let it.




  1. Hello beautiful, :) So glad you are sharing this amazing journey. It will do us all good. I feel better already as I've just read this. I join you, Sister-Friend. <3

    Mildred :D

  2. My sister.....My love for you is bigger than any atmosphere you'd ever imagine. I feel your heartbeat through he written feelings you've expressed...needless to say...I'm totally touched by this step of faith that you've taken...which will make you even better...when we all thought initially you were already at your best!! Word can never express how proud I am to be your sister....eventhough I'm will have the opportunity to catch up with me:O)...I love you Erica...and yes...Shift does happen...Just Celebrate it....Your setback has prepared you for this great comeback....Nothing holds a survivor down!!! Nothing....:) Your Sister, Sophia~
