Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Think and Conceive

"Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling."

Margaret Lee Runbeck

Hey Folks!

I'm happy.

This is a good thing and not just for me. My personal happiness actually affects your life more than you know. For example, I'm a mom, and my happiness directly affects my son and he in turn will affect the other children he makes friends with and so on and so on.

Happiness was not always my first choice in how I travelled the world. I use to travel first class in depression, sadness, anxiety, and misery. I travelled that way until I was struck with severe emotion sickness and was forced to make a change.

The choices were as follows; I could live a depressed, sad, pathetic life wallowing constantly in my own "pig" (perilous ignorant gunk), I could choose to constantly emotionally and physically beat up myself and others, or I could just kill myself or others and be dead or locked up. Finally, and this is the choice that I am so friggin' overjoyed about... I could decide to live life fully, be grateful for breath, health, and continued love and support from the most high God.

I opted for the last option.

I'm glad I did.

And because of that choice, I get to sit here and pontificate my deep thoughts and joyfulness to you.

Peace Out Baby!



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